Saturday, 23 January 2010

Retail Therapy

Both my friend Cath and I have been feeling a bit down of late. So today we decided (well she decided and dragged me along) that we would have a spot of retail therapy.
Now when I was a wee lass I could never understand other girls obsessions with shoes, this feeling I can confirm is no longer felt by me.
I am now in possesion of the sexiest pair of shoesNow they may look pretty boring and horrible in that pic, but trust me. They are the SEX on, well, my legs.
Now buying things may be a terribly shallow way of suffocating inner suffering but heck I'm trying to be a bit healthier so we couldn't do it with icecream. And as Catherine so skillfully argued, as they were over half price from their original 85 pound and as I had essentially bought nothing else (a dress I had bought earlier was a brilliant use of vouchers) I deserved them :P.
That is what I will keep telling myself as I currently potter around the flat in my new shoes dress and tights....

Friday, 22 January 2010

Photographic update

Well I realised I hadn't posted in a while so I thought I would do a photographic update of the last month or two. All the most unflattering photos of myself possible. Yes, I do attend alot of fancy dress parties.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

I Fear This Will Be A Theme Of Today

Gregg: How are you feeling?
Me: Ah, I take it that means I ran into you last night?
Gregg: *laughing* Yup
Me: Did I tell you I loved you?
Gregg: Yup
Me: Oh dear....