Please tell me "nothing, they are one and they same thing, there is no conflict here".
I just cannot wrap my head around the concept of homosexuality as a sin, I can't understand it, I can't tolerate it and I most certainly can't respect it. What would the point be in supporting a deity that you can't respect?
If life got a little bit Old Testament and a disembodied voice of God bellowed down to me:
"Hello; This is God. Homosexuality is a Sin. It's wrong, I don't like it, I want you to help me wipe it off this earth and show people the error in their ways"I would have to say "No". I can't support this blanket "The bible says no to homosexuality" ruling. There is no explanation, there is no reasoning. To me that would be like turning around and saying "Sacrifice that child, trust me there is a reason". It goes against everything I believe in, everything I have been bought up to be, the very fibre of my being.
It's something that I cannot have "Faith" in.
I know, "there is no point in having Faith in something you understand or can prove" but this is the line for me, the line where I would have to turn an omnipotent being and look them in the eye and say "No. This is not what I believe to be right" and hope that they respect me for it.
Someone please find me a quote from the New Testament where Jesus is all like "Dudes, we're cool with the whole girl on girl/ guy on guy thing now, it was just a phase we went through. Like disapproving of bacon, or insisting that you stone your daughter to death if she doesn't marry the man who raped her." You would save me a lot of existentialist turmoil.
A quick google of the issue presented me with the above.
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